Saturday, September 17, 2011

This Vacation Sucks

I've dived into the massive game that is Dead Island. The game is pretty much a cross between Borderlands and Left4Dead, and it is AMAZING. I haven't gotten too far into the game yet, just a bunch of quests around the lifeguard tower in the beginning (WoW and other things have been distracting me) What iv played though is just pure zombie skull crushing bliss. The only real issues iv been having with it so far though is the characters. I think they ALL could be entered into the blandest stereotypical annoying characters list. Not to mention it would have been much cooler to be able to create your own character, but that might be asking for too much. Just would have been nice to not have to play an annoying horribly bland character. Other than that SO FAR I have no complaints, its just so much fun, and very well made, the UI is pretty easy to get around the zombies fun the combat kind of easy but slip up for a second you get screwed up, and it looks beautiful.

In other game news, 1.8.1 is "neat". So far there is nothing the XP you get from killing things apply to anything, the endermen are bugged, and i have YET to run into any of the random dungeons or mineshaft things. In the end, other than the ui and menu tweaks its not at all different from 1.7. Ill give it time though and just continue with building castles and giant pirate ships.

Now back to WoW.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rant of the week

Because i have inevitably drifted back to playing WoW again, mainly due to my gf plays it. I have been pulled into the "starcraft two starter edition". Now iv never played the first one myself, but from what iv seen of it and from what iv heard i gathered starcraft 2 was essentially the same game just with enhanced graphics, which when i installed it for some reason detected my computer was not actually quite a good machine and set it at the lowest possible settings which pretty much looked like starcraft  one graphics. Anyways in the end i thought id give the game a try, as iv heard so much about how great it is, and how strategic it is, how many players out there are now professional starcraft players, etc. Being a huge RTS fan (they were in fact the first games i delved into with the PC when i was yet still a wee lad, age of empires and empire earth and all.) After the first few missions though i couldn't take it anymore. EVERYTHING i saw was just yet another ripoff from the war hammer 40k universe, which from my last post you might be able to tell i absolutely love. I have 40k books, 40k games, 40k wallpapers, 40k role playing games, and 40k figures (although unfortunately the actual tabletop isn't made for anyone who doesn't have several hundred dollars to spend.) I am a huge warhammer 40k fan and in turn could not bring myself to play anymore starcraft.....40k. Although the game play is quite different from Dawn Of War, and in a lot of ways better, and the game play itself is pretty fun nearly everything i was seeing was some sort of derivative of the 40k universe, which in turn completely shut me off from the game without a chance for logic or fun to step in and stop me. There you had it my rant of the week.

     In other news though and in a semi rant. WHERE IS MY ADVENTURE UPDATE NOTCH?!?!?

     Also been playing a little bit of "From Dust" and iv gotten about halfway through the story and so far seems a neat little game. Not much to it in the end, but it is fairly fun and when you beat the game you unlock a sandbox mode for you to drop lava on poor villages, send tsunami's to poor villages, set poor villages on fire, drop giant rocks on poor villages, well i think you get the point, its something to look forward to if you find the story mode boring.

     Now it's back to game development and continuing to learn the fine points of BYOND's game engine and language. Anyone willing to help out feel free to comment!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Count Aggro returns. With a vengance!

I waited months for a particular game to come out. Pre-ordered it. Then proceeded to play it for eleven hours straight. The game? Space Marine. A hack and slash game heart and soul fused with a 3rd person shooter with a penchant for needing fields of waist high walls to crouch behind, create a game much like Gears of War, but with the whole not needing to duck behind cover and fire around walls at alien things and being X-Box only part. No this game is far more entertaining. Relic took the brutality and the style from GoW, but turned it into a Warhammer 40k game any fan could love. By that i mean making you an eight foot tall bad ass in power armor with 80 caliber rocket propelled explosive ammo guns and chain swords and giving them an endless horde of orks to slaughter through with glee, leaving nothing but orky red residue and bolter casings in their wake. It starts off with you and only three other marines jumping out of a drop ship with a jet pack, dodging and weaving through an in atmo space fight and anti air fire to land in the middle of an ark camp, and the game doesn't ever let up, just MORE orks and  just when you start to get just a little bored of green skins, just when your looking for a little more challenge or just a slight kink in the story's over all straight forward plot line. The game throws in a chaos army with teleporting daemons and space marines with plasma cannons to up the ante. All i can say is it is EXACTLY what i expected it to be. A hack and slash game but with guns too in a over the shoulder camera angle. So if your looking for a bad ass game full of bad asses, bad assing it with non stop dark gory slashing ork curb stomping chaos eviscerating goodness then its well worth the 60 bucks, because that is exactly what you'll get, its certainly entertaining.

     In other news/games. Iv been getting back into the wonderful horrors of Minecraft. With the adventure update looming just over the horizon, and my friends pretty swell server has tempted me back to the 32 bit (i have an HD texture pack, I'm too good for 16 bit) addictive goodness. A website for the server is in the makings and full online connectivity is still in the works but you can join via hamachi. If you'd like to play just leave a comment and Il send you the server info. The server itself is still a little under development, but fairly fun as its like an RPG with a race and class system and encouraged role playing and community resources.

     I'm also delving into the wonderfully frustrating world of indie game development for something to do that's a little productive. Working on creating a simple game through the BYOND engine as its a fairly simple yet intricate and fun platform for small 16 bit games. If you haven't heard of it id check it out it has its fair share of horrifying games, but there are some fun ones such as Space Station 13.

     That's it for now, but I will be posting every other day if not daily from now on as i have a lot of material to cover, and plenty of frustrating gaming rants to go on forever about, so subscribe and enjoy my awesome talent of bullshitting and ranting, or maybe its ranting bullshit?