Sunday, December 12, 2010

It Is Done

So in my description i mention guild wars as a topic yet haven't discussed it much at all. Or any of my topics for that matter, but you can STFU if you've anything to say about that....just kidding i love you dear Anyways. For months iv been ignoring the final three missions for the Guild wars:Nightfall campaign. The entire realm of torment zone can burn in a fiery hell for all i care. Almost every mission iv done on the exception of like two (the consulate docks and one of the vabi missions) iv done solo, with only my hero's and henchmen and iv been fine. The only trouble i had was because i was trying to complete them all on the expert rating. All of them were fairly difficult at times, or frustrating, but most of the time it just took a while to get through them was all. The last three missions on the other hand are a gift from the grinning prince of madness himself and every single npc has lost all their mental faculties. Every. Single. One of them has their heads up each others asses trying to find the mob that's focus firing on me, but decides to go ape shit berserk mode when they come within three continents of any mob I'm well aware can kill me with a fucking glance so i veer off and attempt to avoid their detection, but as i mentioned previously my hero's apparently say FUCK smart coward "fight another day" mentality FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!! and proceed to charge into the horizon after every single level 30 mob in the entire realm. As i stand  there in complete shock of what my party has suddenly decided to do and feeling quite betrayed i try to regroup at the nearest res shrine, but holy hell if my hero's are ADAMANT about killing anything within their eyesight. So after many frustrating tries to complete this quest which consists of me marching to the other side of this map...yes you read that correctly. All i had to do was move to the other side of the map and WIN, but nope. Eventually i started to gain some headway into this tedious process of restarting every four minutes, but then wait. The lag starts kicking in like a newborn baby demon thirsting for fucking blood. After a few minutes of steam blowing in pouring rain i attempted again, and again, and again literally all night and then all the next morning. Finally i was able to recruit some help by someone and blew through it without any issues, got through the next set of missions without a hitch. Until we reached the last one. Kill abbodon. We attack his right arm, then his left then his head, then we can nuke the hell out of his main health bar till he respwans haul ass back and repeat a few times. Apparently though that's too hard for some people to understand and instead try to take on all three of them at the same time. Needless to say we returned to the outpost and promptly kicked him hired new and much better help killed abbodon in less than three cycles and finally. FINALLY after months of putting it off, beat the nightfall storyline. Now i just have to beat every mission and zone in hard mode. Hurray for that. I'm putting that one off till i find a guild first that's working on those titles. In the meantime its explorer title and Eye of the north quest line and dungeons to farm rep and gold for better  gear. All in the glorious quest for epic loot in guild wars two. I swear it better be fucking epic, cuz if its not I'm going to Area net HQ and i will systematically insert every employee's head through there own flesh. Including the janitor.

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