Thursday, December 9, 2010

That unscratchable itch

So iv been on this tirade of mmo games for the last couple hours. There is a reason for it, but i haven't had this happen to me for quite some time, since iv been caught up in single player games, or PS3 titles. See i usually have somewhere around five or so mmo's installed at all times, give or take a few. I play one consistently for a while, get bored and move onto one of the others, or install a new one. I recently installed the live version of vindictus and began playing the new caster character, which actually is extremely bad ass, and for once a caster type character that isn't completely squishy is very nice. Anyways i had been playing that all day when maintenance started. Well shit i thought now what am i going to do? Iv been in a gaming mood the last few days so doing something actually productive on my day off didn't sound too amazing. I had ran out of tempting single player games to play through (or ones i don't feel like tackling just yet) and no TV here at the moment to play a ps3 game, so i began to go through my list of playable mmo's, which at the moment is actually pretty short. The first one on there was atlantica. An amazing tactical mmo that for months i had become completely addicted to (in fact that addiction started soon after the borderlands phase) i haven't touched it since the end of that horrible period and though fuck it why not? see if the guild i was in was still around (probably not) and do a couple free league matches till servers are back up. Well shit i thought as maintenance was up on that game as well. So i went back to my very short list and found Battle forge, a neat little RTS/card game fusion mmo game. Its entertaining for all about three battles then it stops for another month, in fact the only reason i keep the game is i put money into it a while back ago considering you have to actually purchase cards/units that aren't in your starter deck (until recently where you actually get their premium currency in small amounts for battles to purchase singles with or save up for a booster) After about two games of that i got bored of that and lead to this update. So its time to see if vindictus is back up and proceed to play into the retarded hours of the morning. IL keep you people posted on that progress. Considering a level 44 Evie (the same caster character I'm playing) decided to join me on a dungeon (I'm only level 10) she proceeded to one hit everything in my path leaving me to loot the poor corpses of her brutality till we got to the boss. Once there i noticed there was a lot of broken pillar rubble around that started to turn blue then all of sudden formed into a many pieced stone golem three times my size....A FUCKING STONE GOLEM! It proceeded to beat the living hell out of the boss, picking up large boulders and tossing them at his face, then slamming his stone fist in his face while on the ground for good measure. Needless to say the boss was dead in about two minutes. I only have three words to say to that whole scenario though. I WANT ONE!

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