Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I still dont remember anything.....

Played through all of Amnesia and finished it last night. Once again a game that has an interesting story buildup, good game play and a plain creepy environment and then the "final battle" is just the most retarded thing ever. The entire game you go completely weaponless (though you can move just about every object in the game why couldn't they implement a system where you could pick up something and it hurts to throw it at said monster?) so i didn't expect an actual "boss fight". I did however expect some sort of platforming, puzzle, obstacle course or something to get through to stop the baddie, but soon found once you entered the final chamber all you did is stand listen to him talk then decide which ending you want to see based on your final action. There are three endings, one in which you don't do anything and the baddie hops through the portal he created and all is fucked, ending two where you prevent him from jumping in and you save yourself, and the final "good" ending where you toss some dead wanker' head down the portal and that somehow kills baddie yet saves you. THE END. As the same with Call of Cthulu i was very disappointed with the ending. As much as the ending failed on this one though it was a fairly fun game to play. A ton of suspense was created by not being able to see very well at most portions of the game, being weaponless doesn't help much when you open a door to a baddie right there with no real immediate place to hide, so you end up running for your life searching frantically for a dark room to hide in, but not for too long or you can watch your sanity start to nose dive. Unlike CoC though there is an actual sanity meter, and it seems to have no real effect on the overall game at least nothing that i discovered. As i said though overall great game and worth a play through. With winter break up IL have ample opportunity to get through some games and many other things iv been meaning to do lately so IL keep you posted on whats going on, so far though its just the slow grind of mission grinding to get titles for guild wars. I want my gear before GW2 comes out what can i say?

stay tuned! =D

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