Sunday, December 12, 2010
It Is Done
So in my description i mention guild wars as a topic yet haven't discussed it much at all. Or any of my topics for that matter, but you can STFU if you've anything to say about that....just kidding i love you dear Anyways. For months iv been ignoring the final three missions for the Guild wars:Nightfall campaign. The entire realm of torment zone can burn in a fiery hell for all i care. Almost every mission iv done on the exception of like two (the consulate docks and one of the vabi missions) iv done solo, with only my hero's and henchmen and iv been fine. The only trouble i had was because i was trying to complete them all on the expert rating. All of them were fairly difficult at times, or frustrating, but most of the time it just took a while to get through them was all. The last three missions on the other hand are a gift from the grinning prince of madness himself and every single npc has lost all their mental faculties. Every. Single. One of them has their heads up each others asses trying to find the mob that's focus firing on me, but decides to go ape shit berserk mode when they come within three continents of any mob I'm well aware can kill me with a fucking glance so i veer off and attempt to avoid their detection, but as i mentioned previously my hero's apparently say FUCK smart coward "fight another day" mentality FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!! and proceed to charge into the horizon after every single level 30 mob in the entire realm. As i stand there in complete shock of what my party has suddenly decided to do and feeling quite betrayed i try to regroup at the nearest res shrine, but holy hell if my hero's are ADAMANT about killing anything within their eyesight. So after many frustrating tries to complete this quest which consists of me marching to the other side of this map...yes you read that correctly. All i had to do was move to the other side of the map and WIN, but nope. Eventually i started to gain some headway into this tedious process of restarting every four minutes, but then wait. The lag starts kicking in like a newborn baby demon thirsting for fucking blood. After a few minutes of steam blowing in pouring rain i attempted again, and again, and again literally all night and then all the next morning. Finally i was able to recruit some help by someone and blew through it without any issues, got through the next set of missions without a hitch. Until we reached the last one. Kill abbodon. We attack his right arm, then his left then his head, then we can nuke the hell out of his main health bar till he respwans haul ass back and repeat a few times. Apparently though that's too hard for some people to understand and instead try to take on all three of them at the same time. Needless to say we returned to the outpost and promptly kicked him hired new and much better help killed abbodon in less than three cycles and finally. FINALLY after months of putting it off, beat the nightfall storyline. Now i just have to beat every mission and zone in hard mode. Hurray for that. I'm putting that one off till i find a guild first that's working on those titles. In the meantime its explorer title and Eye of the north quest line and dungeons to farm rep and gold for better gear. All in the glorious quest for epic loot in guild wars two. I swear it better be fucking epic, cuz if its not I'm going to Area net HQ and i will systematically insert every employee's head through there own flesh. Including the janitor.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
That unscratchable itch
So iv been on this tirade of mmo games for the last couple hours. There is a reason for it, but i haven't had this happen to me for quite some time, since iv been caught up in single player games, or PS3 titles. See i usually have somewhere around five or so mmo's installed at all times, give or take a few. I play one consistently for a while, get bored and move onto one of the others, or install a new one. I recently installed the live version of vindictus and began playing the new caster character, which actually is extremely bad ass, and for once a caster type character that isn't completely squishy is very nice. Anyways i had been playing that all day when maintenance started. Well shit i thought now what am i going to do? Iv been in a gaming mood the last few days so doing something actually productive on my day off didn't sound too amazing. I had ran out of tempting single player games to play through (or ones i don't feel like tackling just yet) and no TV here at the moment to play a ps3 game, so i began to go through my list of playable mmo's, which at the moment is actually pretty short. The first one on there was atlantica. An amazing tactical mmo that for months i had become completely addicted to (in fact that addiction started soon after the borderlands phase) i haven't touched it since the end of that horrible period and though fuck it why not? see if the guild i was in was still around (probably not) and do a couple free league matches till servers are back up. Well shit i thought as maintenance was up on that game as well. So i went back to my very short list and found Battle forge, a neat little RTS/card game fusion mmo game. Its entertaining for all about three battles then it stops for another month, in fact the only reason i keep the game is i put money into it a while back ago considering you have to actually purchase cards/units that aren't in your starter deck (until recently where you actually get their premium currency in small amounts for battles to purchase singles with or save up for a booster) After about two games of that i got bored of that and lead to this update. So its time to see if vindictus is back up and proceed to play into the retarded hours of the morning. IL keep you people posted on that progress. Considering a level 44 Evie (the same caster character I'm playing) decided to join me on a dungeon (I'm only level 10) she proceeded to one hit everything in my path leaving me to loot the poor corpses of her brutality till we got to the boss. Once there i noticed there was a lot of broken pillar rubble around that started to turn blue then all of sudden formed into a many pieced stone golem three times my size....A FUCKING STONE GOLEM! It proceeded to beat the living hell out of the boss, picking up large boulders and tossing them at his face, then slamming his stone fist in his face while on the ground for good measure. Needless to say the boss was dead in about two minutes. I only have three words to say to that whole scenario though. I WANT ONE!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Up to 100 you should totally subscribe and keep up on the blog by reading older entries ^.^
I still dont remember anything.....
Played through all of Amnesia and finished it last night. Once again a game that has an interesting story buildup, good game play and a plain creepy environment and then the "final battle" is just the most retarded thing ever. The entire game you go completely weaponless (though you can move just about every object in the game why couldn't they implement a system where you could pick up something and it hurts to throw it at said monster?) so i didn't expect an actual "boss fight". I did however expect some sort of platforming, puzzle, obstacle course or something to get through to stop the baddie, but soon found once you entered the final chamber all you did is stand listen to him talk then decide which ending you want to see based on your final action. There are three endings, one in which you don't do anything and the baddie hops through the portal he created and all is fucked, ending two where you prevent him from jumping in and you save yourself, and the final "good" ending where you toss some dead wanker' head down the portal and that somehow kills baddie yet saves you. THE END. As the same with Call of Cthulu i was very disappointed with the ending. As much as the ending failed on this one though it was a fairly fun game to play. A ton of suspense was created by not being able to see very well at most portions of the game, being weaponless doesn't help much when you open a door to a baddie right there with no real immediate place to hide, so you end up running for your life searching frantically for a dark room to hide in, but not for too long or you can watch your sanity start to nose dive. Unlike CoC though there is an actual sanity meter, and it seems to have no real effect on the overall game at least nothing that i discovered. As i said though overall great game and worth a play through. With winter break up IL have ample opportunity to get through some games and many other things iv been meaning to do lately so IL keep you posted on whats going on, so far though its just the slow grind of mission grinding to get titles for guild wars. I want my gear before GW2 comes out what can i say?
stay tuned! =D
stay tuned! =D
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Moooooother!!!!!.....hydra that is
So i finally decided to spend an entire night dedicated to beating call of cthulu. Overall pretty amazing game. Good pacing, good story, good balance between action adventure and FPS, but utterly horrible ending and a completely broken stealth system, which actually really comes into play in the last level. the ending cut-scene could have been better, but it could have been worse, either way I'm happy with what they did. The final boss fight on the other hand is what pissed me off. Mother hydra sits in a temple. She sits through out the entire "boss fight" if you could call it that. More like a puzzle that involves some deep one enemies that you wouldn't have gotten unless you spent three hours figuring out, or in my case reading the walk through (i was minutes away from the final cut-scene i wanted to just beat this shit and find out what happens) You basically shoot a giant gong to possess one of hydra's deep one's she throws at you to jump up and hit a switch...yes you hear me. The final boss fight consists of flipping switches, then you zap the water you filled up in the temple by flipping the switches and literally one hit mother hydra. There you go, that's the final boss. Complete, utter, grade A horse shit. I was rendered speechless at the stupidity of it and the fact mother hydra was ONE SHOT by my high tech space gun i get right before hand (convenient) Needless to say i was sorely let down. My newest gaming endeavor though happens to be a similar game. "Amnesia" made by the same people who created penumbra (almost looks like the same engine as well) which was actually a fairly entertaining, slow and a tad annoying at times but overall entertaining survival horror game. So i shall keep you informed at the ensuing BS with that game once i start playing it.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
what i'd do for a flare gun
After hours of frustration and amusement all at the same time i beat Alan wake. All i can say for the ending is, jesus fucking christ. I haven't had a story give me narrative blue balls this bad since the original hellsing series! Needless to say all those hours of toil just to progress the story to, well....nowhere! as fun as it was though and a pretty decent story all the way up to the end, i still feel like i wasted part of my life. Now that thats out of my system i can continue with my Borderlands spree. co-opping with my room mate. i swear for the 3rd play through watching a midget psycho exploding never gets old.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
batteries please
My friend's girl friend recently purchased an x-box and therefore has supplied me with potential games to borrow from and more player to kick ass with. Upon hearing she had Alan Wake i immediately put in a request to borrow it. Iv heard a lot about it from some friends of mine, and the fucked up shit that ends up happening through out it. Upon playing it however, iv come to the conclusion that yes indeed is it fucked, i mean the amount of mind fuck that occurs through out the story of this game is incredible, but i cant help but find every corner of this game covered in the sticky love juices the writers produced over Steven king and Lovecraft, sure they're amazing writers but does the first words out of the narrators mouth need to be "Steven king?" i mean they aren't even subtle about it both are mentioned at least 50 times through out the game or at least referenced. that just set me off, but once i started receiving texts from a kidnapper "misspelling profanity at me" it just went too far. The combat in t his game is the most horrible thing iv seen in a third person action game. Sure the use the flashlight to destroy the darkness and the whole darkness as an enemy concept in general is actually really cool, but my god the dodge button really soon becomes your best friend, and unfortunately hes that retarded friend who follows you everywhere and ruins everything. When you have 7 baddies attacking you all at once with melee attacks and all you have is ranged attacks it ends up being a race to how many times you can click the dodge button in 10 seconds which by then your dead because you've dodged straight into an enemy appearing out of nowhere and oops it hurts to touch these guys. Its got me frustrated to the point i don't want to continue but christ if I'm not so close to beating it i have to finish it! its perfect the game plays itself out in episodes though considering i cant stand to play it more than one episode at a time before i fucking explode! by the way if your that guy in the northwest who decides to chuck random lithium batteries in the middle of the forest for no real reason, kudos to you buddy.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The not so awaited return of...oh god out of ammo
Its been a while since iv posted on here, i haven't had too much time to do anything relative to this blog, but making a point to continue updating it.
I bought the game of the year edition of borderlands last week and immediately after purchased saw something that sent me into a fit of rage that didn't end until the next day. The game of the year edition comes with all the DLC including the newly released clap trap revolution DLC. The thing is though the game doesn't actually come with the DLC. Instead you get a 'voucher' to download them all from the PlayStation network store. A download i might add that took me a full day and a half with my shitty Internet. This as i mentioned at least 80 times that day, is a fucking outrage. if i had wanted to download all the DLC i would have oh i dunno...just downloaded all the DLC! ya sure maybe its cheaper buying it this way but i could have saved a trip to the store and a full day of RAGE!!!! not to mention there are people out there who still don't have an Internet connection, or one that wont take them a whole week to download it all. Other than that though its an amazing game. I played it through once on the PC a year ago, for about a month straight it was close to all i did. Borderlands had completely consumed my soul in the quest for golds, and now its happened all over again. on the exception of mind numbing homework and a break for an old PS1 classic silent hill 2. a absolutely beautiful game for the time. A superb example of how a survival....SURVIVAL horror game should be. unfortunately these days most developers focus on the horror and even then its usually just gore and overplayed BOO! moments. More focus on the survival aspect gives you more of a sense of "oh shit! this shit can kill me in two hits i only have 4 bullets and one health pack and..OH GOD there are five more zombie things coming at me oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!" and not so much" "WHOAH..scary pop up monster lets shoot it to death with my near infinite ammo" this shitty gameplay mechanic needs to jump off a cliff and developers need to fall back on some more old school elements to refresh a stagnant horror genre. Anyways with that said and done its time to numb my brain some more then go snipe so skags!
I bought the game of the year edition of borderlands last week and immediately after purchased saw something that sent me into a fit of rage that didn't end until the next day. The game of the year edition comes with all the DLC including the newly released clap trap revolution DLC. The thing is though the game doesn't actually come with the DLC. Instead you get a 'voucher' to download them all from the PlayStation network store. A download i might add that took me a full day and a half with my shitty Internet. This as i mentioned at least 80 times that day, is a fucking outrage. if i had wanted to download all the DLC i would have oh i dunno...just downloaded all the DLC! ya sure maybe its cheaper buying it this way but i could have saved a trip to the store and a full day of RAGE!!!! not to mention there are people out there who still don't have an Internet connection, or one that wont take them a whole week to download it all. Other than that though its an amazing game. I played it through once on the PC a year ago, for about a month straight it was close to all i did. Borderlands had completely consumed my soul in the quest for golds, and now its happened all over again. on the exception of mind numbing homework and a break for an old PS1 classic silent hill 2. a absolutely beautiful game for the time. A superb example of how a survival....SURVIVAL horror game should be. unfortunately these days most developers focus on the horror and even then its usually just gore and overplayed BOO! moments. More focus on the survival aspect gives you more of a sense of "oh shit! this shit can kill me in two hits i only have 4 bullets and one health pack and..OH GOD there are five more zombie things coming at me oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!" and not so much" "WHOAH..scary pop up monster lets shoot it to death with my near infinite ammo" this shitty gameplay mechanic needs to jump off a cliff and developers need to fall back on some more old school elements to refresh a stagnant horror genre. Anyways with that said and done its time to numb my brain some more then go snipe so skags!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
death to master chief
Still working on halo:combat evolved. Iv never been much of a halo fan, so never quite got used to the style of combat in it. Though i think that goes completely out the window when legendary mode is activated. One thing iv noticed though and its really beginning to piss me off. Is the fact the friendly AI for the troops that come to "help" you don't get any better as the difficulty is raised. They re fucking retarded in easy mode, but so is the enemy AI. Who will let you run circles around them standing struck by the aura master chief emanates. In hard mode even the lil grunts eat sleep and breath KILL MASTER CHIEF. Apparently though, the friendly marine soldiers who came into help me still thought this was a training mission. All ten of my allies were brutally murdered in all about .05 seconds. Its lead to the point iv forgotten i even receive "help" from these people.
For some nostalgic reasons i wont go into. Once fall hits i always reinstall stronghold. i Still don't know why i do this, but i do. I play through the campaign, and i inevitably end up messing around in the map editor which doubles as a free open realm slaughter house. let me give you an example
*hmmmm. Lets put a bunch of deer here next to these trees. Wow that looks great. ok now lets put some wolves in the middle of their herd. Oh lets see what happens to these now very full wolves when BEARS are put next to them. Now lets see if these bears have room for some ladder men. Oh shit bears taste armored steel knights.
Its actually a really pathetic yet hilarious sight to see, and alot o f fun will be had tonight. In the meantime. Back to halo.
For some nostalgic reasons i wont go into. Once fall hits i always reinstall stronghold. i Still don't know why i do this, but i do. I play through the campaign, and i inevitably end up messing around in the map editor which doubles as a free open realm slaughter house. let me give you an example
*hmmmm. Lets put a bunch of deer here next to these trees. Wow that looks great. ok now lets put some wolves in the middle of their herd. Oh lets see what happens to these now very full wolves when BEARS are put next to them. Now lets see if these bears have room for some ladder men. Oh shit bears taste armored steel knights.
Its actually a really pathetic yet hilarious sight to see, and alot o f fun will be had tonight. In the meantime. Back to halo.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
My pizza is cold
Too soon school will be starting, and il quickly find my time for much of anything will be greatly reduced. I will be making it a point to continue with vindictus. If it'll let me actually play for more than 3 hours at a time, without needing to patch. Damn beta's all to hell. All frustration aside it is a genuinely fun game to play. The source engine makes it immensely entertaining. Just picture me tossing chunks of a pillar at mobs, or beating a boss monster over the head with a plank of wood. i think i wont ever run out of random pieces of rubble to dispatch baddies with, and therefore will forever hold my attention. Im still attempting to beat halo:combat evolved on legendary. a feat im taking in slow toddler sized morsels, or else the rage of how utterly fucking ridiculously hard it is will consume me whole. I also eventually would like to finally finish Torchlight. a really fun diablo look alike. with the releases of the now announced gran turismo 5, and dirt 3 around next years bend. i see myself spending alot of time behind the virtual wheel. which will produce mass amounts of nerd rage and ranting, much to your un ejoyment. so definitely stick around for a few months, as for short term rants and rage. completely off topic from gaming, though many, many people can connect with me on this one. i really, really hate freshman. i wont go into details, other than they invade my place of work like a horde of hormonal horny retarded ass dip shits, and there is no escape. god help me.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
saevio vindictus dat
Well we were told the open beta for vindictus would start at midnight today. Its now 4:30 in the afternoon, and after the page had crashed, forum posts, and jaime's threats to repeatedly punch all nexon staff members in the dick for each hour gone by its not open. Its STILL not up. Frankly were starting to get a little fed up, and impatient. We can only spam F5 for so long, at least until the site crashes again. At this point though i think I'm ready to take a road trip to the nexon company's HQ and start some dick punching. I never heard of the game until a few days ago. apparently jaime had been looking forward to it for quite some time (fyi jaime is one of my room mates) after checking it out I'm quite excited to play it. Though id be playing it right now, but of course not. Guess all i can do is spam F5.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Combat de-evolved
So in preparation for reach coming out tomorrow night, iv been playing the first halo for the last few hours. As i mentioned in my previous post iv never really liked any of the games after the first one. the story in my opinion turned to shit, the game play even worse. to the point when 3 came out i had problems withstanding my gag reflex when i started playing it. The fact that reach is returning to the game play style (with the addition of the armor abilities of course) and the story that got me hooked in the first place. So i dug around till i found the first game for PC, installed it and proceeded to play it till 5 in the morning. and plan to do so again tonight. My goal is to beat it before tomorrow night, just so i can beat reach in one night co-op. needless to say I'm looking froward to the next few days. Which for not being an x-box fan much less a halo fan, has me just as surprised as my friends. Either way good or bad, I'm going to play it. I'm going to beat it. Then I'm gonna rant about it. For with every good game. comes a hardcore rant. Which reminds me the amount of rage that will be induced when i start up FF13 again in a few weeks. Trust me on that one. You'll get to hear all about it.
enjoy your evening people I'm going to have me a good game of ZOMBIES!!! the board game, which if you haven't heard or played it before. Do it. Its amazing
enjoy your evening people I'm going to have me a good game of ZOMBIES!!! the board game, which if you haven't heard or played it before. Do it. Its amazing
Friday, September 10, 2010
Today iv been informed my room mate has pre ordered halo:reach. Now I'm not the biggest halo fan, i liked the first game alot and must have clocked in lover a hundred hours worth of play between me and my friends. Iv always thought though after the seconds in the series the game went far downhill, slamming at the bottom of my respect-o-meter with the third game. I never had a chance to play ODST, so my opinion is worthless for it. I traded in my x-box for a PS3 two years ago, so for the most part xbox only titles never really caught my interest. Until lately that is, moving in with a guy who owns one himself i now have the ability to play those titles and he can play PS3 titles. I think its a fairly win win situation. So after reading several previews, watched every game play trailer, and falling in love with the live action trailers (which if a live action halo movie was anything like those trailers id sell my soul to see it) I'm now officially completely stoked to play this game. So, my conclusion?
Only three more fucking days.
Only three more fucking days.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The count down
Today is not much of a rant, but more of a nerd confession of his love for guildwars, and its coming sequel.
I haven't played guild wars for too long compared to many others, but iv grown to absolutely love the game. After playing the game of and on for about a year. Then one day i went online and saw the announcement for guildwars two and forever afterwards followed the games' production. Its been close to three years now, and its nearly finished. With every new release of class info i have massive nerdogasms, and watch the videos at least six times over. Its come to the point of near fanaticism, and I'm getting really tired of waiting for this damn game to come out! It takes all the shitty parts of the first game, and makes it better! Every single piece of game play info that's been released just adds onto the amazing qualities this game has, and looks utterly gorgeous. Point being i cannot wait for this game to come out already.
Oh. i guess i do have a rant for you today. I don't ever EVER want to rez in guildwars right next to a level 30 boss and 5 level 25 mobs. ever....ever again minus 60 stats in shivering peaks isn't the greatest. all i have to say is after a good ten minutes of pure rage and frustration i finally killed him. Good game, Goodnight.
I haven't played guild wars for too long compared to many others, but iv grown to absolutely love the game. After playing the game of and on for about a year. Then one day i went online and saw the announcement for guildwars two and forever afterwards followed the games' production. Its been close to three years now, and its nearly finished. With every new release of class info i have massive nerdogasms, and watch the videos at least six times over. Its come to the point of near fanaticism, and I'm getting really tired of waiting for this damn game to come out! It takes all the shitty parts of the first game, and makes it better! Every single piece of game play info that's been released just adds onto the amazing qualities this game has, and looks utterly gorgeous. Point being i cannot wait for this game to come out already.
Oh. i guess i do have a rant for you today. I don't ever EVER want to rez in guildwars right next to a level 30 boss and 5 level 25 mobs. ever....ever again minus 60 stats in shivering peaks isn't the greatest. all i have to say is after a good ten minutes of pure rage and frustration i finally killed him. Good game, Goodnight.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
It has begun!
So iv been meaning to start a blog up for quite some time but have been faaaar too lazy to start one up. Iv finally kicked my ass into doing it though so here you go.
In the beginning there was nothing. Then came the anonymous god who gave the world such things like Magic the gathering, WoW free servers, and d&d and low and behold amongst all the instantaneous bullshit created coffee formed as well, and the world was never again the same.
Over 9000 years later yours truly comes into the scene. Full of nerd rage, angst, and much butthurt. determined to wade through the field of noobs BS builds and decks and retarded DM's and writers block to have even just a minuscule amount of entertainment, and the end product is now here for your enjoyment. so for your enjoyment i bring you, your first rant.
Duke Nukem Forever. I really don't think i need to explain a whole lot here the amount of rage this game has caused by not doing anything at all! It has sat there. Teasing every damn gamer since 98. Every other year it seems they announce they're continuing with it, then 6 months later cancelled....AGAIN. This pattern has continued for over a decade to the point any discussion of the game brings laughter to many, especially every fucking anon. For years iv completely written the game off, just to find out that not only did they announce the game continuing, but people got to fucking play the game iv waited a decade to finally play. Add the fact that if i had decided to buy my ticket to pax a week earlier before they sold out, id have played it. but NO. of course not, and there you go theres my rant of the day enjoy bitches <3
In the beginning there was nothing. Then came the anonymous god who gave the world such things like Magic the gathering, WoW free servers, and d&d and low and behold amongst all the instantaneous bullshit created coffee formed as well, and the world was never again the same.
Over 9000 years later yours truly comes into the scene. Full of nerd rage, angst, and much butthurt. determined to wade through the field of noobs BS builds and decks and retarded DM's and writers block to have even just a minuscule amount of entertainment, and the end product is now here for your enjoyment. so for your enjoyment i bring you, your first rant.
Duke Nukem Forever. I really don't think i need to explain a whole lot here the amount of rage this game has caused by not doing anything at all! It has sat there. Teasing every damn gamer since 98. Every other year it seems they announce they're continuing with it, then 6 months later cancelled....AGAIN. This pattern has continued for over a decade to the point any discussion of the game brings laughter to many, especially every fucking anon. For years iv completely written the game off, just to find out that not only did they announce the game continuing, but people got to fucking play the game iv waited a decade to finally play. Add the fact that if i had decided to buy my ticket to pax a week earlier before they sold out, id have played it. but NO. of course not, and there you go theres my rant of the day enjoy bitches <3
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